Arthur Schopenhauer
’No one is born hating another person because of the colour of their skin, or their background, or their religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.'
Nelson Mandela
The text that follows is presented purely in an attempt to bring peace and harmony to a world in great need.
For the next ten minutes, please adopt an open mind. This is crucial and of the utmost importance if World Peace is to be attained.
If you had a seemingly incurable condition but were informed that you could cure yourself merely by adopting a new mentality, would you do so?
In much the same way, humanity’s seemingly incurable conditions of indifference, greed, anger, hatred, violence and extreme cruelty can be cured and eliminated by consciously removing just one single thought process from our mind.
For the sake of World Peace and Harmony, using just one minute of your time, please bring to mind and consider all the many and varying forms of man-made sufferings that have ever been perpetrated and that continue to exist in our world today with no sight in end . . . . .
In our cause and effect existence, all this pain and suffering, being fully experienced as you read, will come to an end only when the root cause has been established and eliminated.
Imagine a world where we all get along and where conflict is a thing of the past. By changing just one destructive thought process within our mind, we, the peace-loving people of the world can bring this to bear.
Our true nature, our foremost desires, the states we naturally gravitate towards are those of love, peace, joy and happiness, yet our world is consumed by separation, indifference, greed, anger, hatred, violence and cruelty.
Why is this, what is the root cause of all this suffering? For only by addressing the root cause can genuine and lasting peace prevail.
The reason why our wish to live in peace and harmony is thwarted, is because we consider our own desires to be of primary importance, completely outweighing the needs and concerns of others. This way of being, this seemingly innocuous mindset is the mind of self-cherishing. It is our greatest enemy and the root cause of all the troubles we bring upon ourselves.
Trace any ill deed, however major or minor back to its root source and you will arrive at the mind of self-cherishing. With this mentality in full control our separation and alienation is guaranteed.
All wars and all conflicts are completely dependent upon this deluded mindset.
Our body is our greatest teacher.
In order for world peace and harmony to prevail we should look within our own body, our true nature is there for all to see.
Born of a mysterious life force; our universe, our solar system, our world and we ourselves have all arisen into being. The miraculous and complex internal design and workings of our body provide the clearest example of how we are supposed to live. The blueprint set forth is one of selfless devotion.
Out of the empty universe we have arrived fully equipped with the miraculous sense and mental powers of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, thoughts, feelings and emotions. Keeping guard over the miracle of our existence we possess an immune system specifically designed to protect and maximise our lifespan.
The cells of this unimaginably complex system are programmed to detect harmful pathogens and viruses, bind to them and self-destruct thereby removing any intruders and allowing the remaining thirty trillion cell body organism to survive. Beyond this built in self-defense system, our cells work in complete collaboration, taking only the minimal nutrients required for our healthy continued existence.
Could there be any clearer example of our true nature and of the benefits of working together for the sake of the whole? Our very being is dependent upon this principle.
If the internal workings of our bodies were to operate using the same self-centered, self-cherishing mentality that we ourselves operate under, riddled by any number of diseases we would certainly self-destruct; indeed we wouldn't and couldn't exist.
The self-cherishing mind determines our entire existence.
A stark example of the destructive nature of the self-cherishing mind may be seen in an imaginary scenario . . . .
Envisage if you will two Planets, both with landscapes identical to that of our own. The only difference between the two being that on the first planet, all the people are brought up to have the same self-cherishing mentality that prevails in our world today. Whereas on the second, everyone is raised with a strong recognition of their shared equality. They possess a deep-rooted sense that one’s own desire to be happy and to be free from suffering holds absolutely no more importance than those of others. Via the law of cause and effect, divisions, disharmony and lawlessness will be the fate of the first planet, whereas only friendship, compassion and harmony will prevail on the second.
Our world functions in complete dependence upon the self-cherishing mentality that fuels the minds of all living beings. This self-cherishing is a deluded mentality, the results of which are plain for all to see in our divided, conflict-ridden, war-torn world.
However, by eliminating this one single delusion from our mentality, we can bring about a beneficial change not only for our own future, but for the futures of all those yet to arrive.
With this self-centered mind eliminated, due to the law of cause and effect,
World Peace will arise.
Rather than being self consumed with the fulfilment of our own desires, the result of our enhanced consideration for others will be a world at peace and at ease.
Put crudely, the mathematics speak for themselves.
When our concern is for ourself alone, approximately eight billion people get cherished. However, when based on the acknowledgement of our equality, when we all begin to cherish each other, the result is that eight billion people will cherish eight billion other people.
The result is World Peace and Harmony.
So, the crucial question:
Do we continue to be governed by our deluded self-cherishing mentality, knowing of all the horrors that it has in store for us, or do we take control, make the required mental shift and come together, cherishing each other in peace and harmony?
Our true nature is Love, Joy and Happiness.
If our true nature is to prevail, we must abandon the trouble causing demon that lurks within, the one that masquerades as our dearest adviser but is in fact the root cause of all the troubles we bring upon ourselves.
If this mindset isn't addressed it will be impossible for peace to prevail, our true nature remaining dormant waiting patiently to shine its light upon our world. However, when our self-cherishing has been extinguished, consideration for others will pervade our mind and there will be no basis for conflicts to arise.
We will live together in Peace and Harmony.
How much longer will we permit the cancer of self-cherishing to dominate our mental landscape, thwarting what could be a heaven on earth?
The devastating consequences of the self-cherishing mind are there for all to see on our daily news bulletins. We must investigate for ourselves this deeply ingrained mentality and come to realise its destructive nature. If we fail to do so, the news will forever continue to depict the tragic and horrifying consequences that this mindset brings to bear.
The Fabric Of Existence
The mind is a separate, eternal entity from the body. We could do ourselves no greater service than to send it on its way fuelled by the loving energy force that we know lies at the very core of our being. To die with a virtuous, loving, compassionate mind is by far the single most important thing we can possibly do for ourselves.
We are not provided with a conscience without reason, it is our guiding light.
With the definition of Love being the desire for others to experience the same peace and happiness that we ourself desire . . .
How much more superior the mind of Love than the mind of self-cherishing?
The Pandemic Of Peace
A world devoid of the self-cherishing mind would be akin to a world consumed by a pandemic of peace.
We are as one in our wish to be happy and to be free from suffering.
We are as one in our capacity for pleasure and pain, joy and suffering.
We are as one in our wish to live in Peace and Harmony.
We Are As One
The mission to end man-made suffering is, along with the saving of our planet, our most vital role.
Our countless future generations are dependent upon the actions that we take today.
Without change, the degeneration is guaranteed.
However, with the self-cherishing mind subdued and replaced with consideration for others, not only will our own lives be transformed but also the lives of our future generations. All they will ever know of the self-cherishing mind and its devastating consequences will be what they'll read in their history books. We will have eliminating our one true enemy from existence.
Just as our body proves by example, selflessness brings about only peace and harmony, whereas the mind that cherishes oneself alone brings forth all of the woeful events and issues that are so evident in our world today.
For those who delight in such things, the only place where the self-cherishing mind will continue to play a valid role in society will be in our games and pastimes and also in the sporting arena. Our passion for play and our celebration of human sporting endeavour will continue to hold our fascination in this world of Peace and Harmony.
The time has arrived for us to take responsibility not only for the sake of our own future, but for the futures of our children, of our children's children and of our countless future generations. We must begin the abandonment of the demon within. When the demon of self-cherishing has been banished from our mind what then for all the many and varied forms of man-made sufferings that result? Without a cause the resultant sufferings will have no choice but to dissolve out of existence, and when the cause is eliminated, our true nature will begin to flow.
The R number of Covid in the UK ranged between 1.1 and 1.6.
The R number of The Pandemic Of Peace is ours to determine.
It must be noted that giving up our self-cherishing and adopting the mind that cherishes others won't be easy. We have had this destructive mentality all throughout our lives' and it's going to take time to weed it out, but weed it out we must if peace is to prevail.
Giving up our self-cherishing and adopting the mind that cherishes others doesn't mean that we stop caring for ourselves. Of course we must care and provide for ourselves, but we should also remain vigilant for the trouble causing demon lurking within, waiting so eagerly to strip peace and harmony from our lives and from our world.
A world fuelled by cherishing love, a world where we fully recognise and acknowledge our equality and our kinship.
This world is ours if we choose it to be so.
If for just one day we agreed to test the theory out we would have our proof. Whether within our families, our workplace, our local communities, our towns and cities, our countries and continents. The theory is performed and tested from within the privacy of our own mind, no one else need know of our considerate intentions, it will be our secret. With the view that others are important held firmly in place our innate compassion will be stimulated, allowing us to see things from a wider, wiser, more compassionate perspective.
’No one is born hating another person because of the colour of their skin, or their background, or their religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.'
Nelson Mandela
On this miraculous life supporting planet lost in infinite time and space, as the peace-loving neighbours that we know ourselves to be, the march to World Peace & Harmony is in our own hands.
As the late visionary, David Bowie once predicted, "I think the potential of what the internet is going to do to society, both good and bad, is unimaginable!!''
In our dependent related existence, that potential is singularly dependent upon the level of self-cherishing within our mind.
The Pandemic Of Peace
It's in our DNA
It's in our hearts
It's in our own hands
and it's ours for the taking
The objective of
'Project World Peace & Harmony'
is to begin and spread a conversation throughout the entire world regarding the destructive nature of the self-cherishing mind, and in so doing, potentially bring about our deepest desire . . . .
World Peace and Harmony
Banksy - Boy Praying **
Your participation in the spread of
'The Pandemic Of Peace' is of paramount importance.
Without your participation World Peace cannot and will not arise.
Via word of mouth and social media, for the sake of
Word Peace & Harmony
Let's begin the conversation
Let's spread the word(s) . . . .
'Let's Start Again'
The R number of Covid in the UK ranged between 1.1 and 1.6
The R number of The Pandemic Of Peace is ours to determine . . .
The Pandemic Of Peace is ours to determine . . .
The Pandemic Of Peace is ours to determine . . .
The Pandemic Of Peace is ours to determine . .
The Pandemic Of Peace is ours to determine . . .
Although based on Buddhist philosophy, the self-cherishing mind does not discriminate. It brings suffering to all peoples regardless of any particular faith, beliefs and non-beliefs alike.
We, the peace loving people of the world are all in this together, which is the only way World Peace can be achieved.
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